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Old 21-09-2012, 12:31 PM   #31
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: The World Is In Chaos !!!!

Originally Posted by poppa smurf
I'm sorry but I do all of the above and find no restrictions.......but that is nowhere near the description of chaos.....these are simply freedom issues which if challenged in a court of law more often than not get thrown out

to determine whether we are indeed "in chaos" we would have to have something to compare the world to

I made comparisons to the past as this is the only true way to determine or compare

we have no identical world......we have as yet not determined a future to compare so that leaves only the past

as far as I'm concerned, until I'm convinced otherwise, we are not in chaos

over regulated, controlled, manipulated to a certain extent ....yes but far from chaos

I state again life is a wonderful gift.......some choose to squander it by burying their head in the computer and seeing nothing but doom and gloom, also having no real life experiences, choose to believe the tripe that abounds within

the internet is loaded with fools who love to shout the chicken little story but in all honesty life and the world is not like that

life and the wold, in all it's glory, will continue to amaze and enthral this old feller

In your world things might be good and not much is affecting you , and i`m happy for you, the scary part for me is things are happening without the little bloke knowing, perhaps there is some truth to kaos, because we don`t know about it does`nt mean it is`nt happening and won`t affect us until down the track, maybe i should be wearing the pictured tin hat .
another scary thing to me is laws are being changed left right and centre and A. the average people are getting left out of the decision process
B. the general population have less power to alter these decisions
c. people ask less and less questions because law makers baffle them masses of legal jargon, so confused and happy in their own little world they just keep on doing what they are doing without asking questions, so this is a form of Kaos i reckon, the Kaos of law , we are becoming sheep , and the law makers love it.
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