Thread: Ranger V Hilux
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Old 08-01-2021, 09:48 PM   #15
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Default Re: Ranger V Hilux

We have 2 Hilux Workmates and 2 equivalent base model RWD Rangers at work. The Rangers are obviously more expensive, but worth every cent and then some.
The Ranger has significantly more space(My head touches the roof in the Hilux and there isn't enough space to get comfortable), the Ranger is more comfortable, the Ranger has better tech, the list goes on really...
My only complaint with the Ranger, is the manual gearbox, not nice to drive(in my personal opinion).

It was actually pretty funny, one of my coworkers is mad about Hilux's-has his own SR5, wouldn't believe me that the Rangers were better. It was probably partly due to him also being a Holden bloke and not liking Fords, but he kept telling I was full of **** everytime I said the Rangers were better .
Then, he had to drive one for a couple of weeks while his work Hilux was being repaired (you guessed it, DPF). Ever since driving the Ranger, he's done nothing but complain about how overrated the Hilux is, not just the base workmates but all of them.
While his next ute won't be a Ranger, it definitely won't be a Hilux either, he's seen the light...
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Last edited by turbo4; 08-01-2021 at 09:59 PM.
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