Wow. I guessed I stirred up a hornets nest. I am surprised that His business acumen and family life were brought into it. Even he acknowledged he couldn't run a country toilet successfully. He had little business acumen. He was a brand name which was marketed successfully until he threw it all away.
It wasn't just the polarizer that sunk him. He was building cars without consultation with Holden. He released the Director with AdR testing it, oh man!
He had a few partners and there were allegations from one wife of violence (and other assorted unmentionable behaviours). He was a womanisor (ask my wife!, or even Bev Brock - she was the wife of one of his employees and he cheated on her too!)
His PR image was an illusion. Ask any reporter who questioned his vehicles, motives or honesty (even in the face of overwhelming evidence) and they'll tell you he could turn very dark, very quickly.
In a 1994 article on old race cars he said "I never remember old race cars. They are just tools of the trade. I wouldn't have the faintest about the 79 a9x. Moffat was always sentimental about that sort of stuff"
Not that much later when being interviewed about his 79 A9X by another magazine "Oh Yeah, I remember everything about that car. I guess I'm a bit more sentimental about the old cars than most. I always felt that you had a relationship with the car. I used to talk to them. I think I can remember every car I ever raced"
The guy's public face was just that, a facade. He told reporters what they wanted to hear.
As for speed, he was fast but he was no match Colin Bond on dirt (Harry Firth said this last year) and from 78 to 84 who had a team to match his at Bathurst? JOhnson's privateer operation? Moffats torqueless mazda?
Please, the only time he spun was when he was under pressure. Grice was as quick but too rough on the car.
I believe Brocky was one of the best. But I don't think he was better than Richo who always equalled or bettered him in the same equipment.
Oh, Brock fixing BMW's. Yeah he did really well in 1988! He was usually only a second slower than his teammate.